The enthusiastic team behind a project
that is making a difference

Benoît, one of the co-founders and a father of three, decided he wanted to buy better food for his family. He found it overwhelming to read all the labels for a vast array of food products and thought it would be nice if there were a tool that could automatically analyze the ingredients in each item.
He shared his idea with his brother François and a friend, Julie. Both were immediately won over by the concept. In February 2016, the three of them presented the idea during a startup competition called the "Food Hackathon". After a weekend spent hammering out their concept, the trio took home the top prize! Realizing that their idea fulfilled a real need, they jumped wholeheartedly into the project.
In the beginning, they hadn't imagined an app, but rather a magnetic, carrot-shaped smart device that would stick to the refrigerator. After a few months however, they started to grasp the limitations of such a device, including its price, which would not make the analysis of products accessible to all. They therefore decided to opt for a mobile app instead.
Benoît, one of the co-founders and a father of three, decided he wanted to buy better food for his family. He found it overwhelming to read all the labels for a vast array of food products and thought it would be nice if there were a tool that could automatically analyze the ingredients in each item.
He shared his idea with his brother François and a friend, Julie. Both were immediately won over by the concept. In February 2016, the three of them presented the idea during a startup competition called the "Food Hackathon". After a weekend spent hammering out their concept, the trio took home the top prize! Realizing that their idea fulfilled a real need, they jumped wholeheartedly into the project.
In the beginning, they didn't imagine an app, but a magnetic, carrot-shaped smart device that would stick to the refrigerator. But after a few months, they started to grasp the limitations of such a device, including its price, which would not make the analysis of products accessible to all. They therefore decided to go with a mobile app instead.